Brana Caprelor – spectacular hike to Omu Peak from Cabana Malaiesti

Brana Caprelor (The Goats’ Ledge) is a narrow, rocky path suspended like a balcony along the vertical wall of the mountain of Bucsoiu.
This is a beautiful but difficult trail, not recommended to the ones afraid of heights. It is 5 km long with a total of over 1000 meters of elevation gain.
You will start at Cabana Malaiesti, hike through the picturesque valley of Malaiesti, ascend to Bucsoiu Peak and then continue on the Bucsoiu Ridge until you get to the highest peak in the Bucegi Mountains – Varful Omu.
Brana Caprelor is only open during the summer season (June to October), and not recommended in bad weather, otherwise it can be much too dangerous.
You will need good hiking shoes and 3 layers of clothes. Take at least one liter of water with you and use sun screen.
Quick info about the trail
- Starting point: Cabana Malaiesti (1720 m)
- Destination: Omu Peak (2505 m)
- Seasonality: June to October
- Duration: 4 hours
- Length: 5 km
- Markings: blue bar, blue triangle, red bar
- State of the markings: good
- Difficulty: moderate to hard (scrambling involved)
Stages of the route
Cabana Malaiesti to Saua Brana Caprelor
- Cabana Malaiesti (1720 m) – The second glacier terrace of the Malaiesti Valley (1890 m) - blue stripe, 45 minutes
- The second glacier terrace of the Malaiesti Valley (1890 m) – Saua Brana Caprelor (2270 m) - blue triangle, 1.5 hours
The trail starts at Cabana Malaiesti (1720 m) in the Bucegi Mountains.
- Find out how to get to Cabana Malaiesti
From Cabana Malaiesti start ascending on the blue stripe markings for about 45 minutes until you reach the signpost at the altitude of 1890 meters.
From the signpost in the second glacier terrace of the Malaiesti Valley, turn left and follow the blue triangle markings until you reach the intersection in the Saua Brana Caprelor saddle.

Saua Brana Caprelor to Bucsoiu Peak
- Saua Brana Caprelor (2270 m) – Bucsoiu Peak (2493 m) - red stripe, 40 minutes

From Saua Brana Caprelor, continue to ascend by following the red stripe markings towards Bucsoiu Peak.
A steep 40 minutes ascent will take you to Bucsoiu Peak (2.492 m), the 3rd highest peak in Bucegi Mountains, after Omu (2505 m) and Bucura (2503 m) peaks.
From the Bucsoiu Peak you will have an excellent view of the Culmea Tiganestilor ridge and the Piatra Craiului Mountains at the West.
You can spot the Baiului Mountains at the East and the weather station near Omu Peak at the South.
At the South, if the sky is clear you should see the Piatra Mare and Postavarul massifs.

Bucsoiu Peak to Omu Peak
- Bucsoiu Peak (2493 m) – Omu Peak (2505 m) - red stripe, 50 minutes

From Bucsoiu continue on the red stripe markings for about 50 minutes on the ridge of Bucsoiu until you reach Omu Peak.

From Omu Peak back to Cabana Malaiesti
The fastest way to descent from Omu Peak to Cabana Malaiesti is by following the blue stripe markings all the way to the chalet. It’s a 2 hours hike through the Malaiesti Valley.
A longer, but more spectacular way to get from Omu Peak to the Malaiesti Chalet is by following this route via the Tiganesti Ridge.