The fastest way to Cabana Malaiesti

The fastest way to get to Cabana Malaiesti from Bucharest is from the town of Busteni. In short, it’s a 5-6 hours hike from the train station in Busteni. You can save

Bran Castle to Magura village – hiking in Romania

The beautiful hiking trails near Bran Castle Bran Castle is located between Bucegi Mountains [] and Piatra Craiului Mountains, in the picturesque Rucăr-Bran Pass. If you want to find yourself

Moldoveanu Peak via Cabana Valea Sambetei

Moldoveanu Peak (2544 m) is part of the Fagaras Mountains, Southern Carpathians, and is the highest peak in Romania. Climbing Moldoveanu Peak via Cabana Valea Sambetei during summer does not pose major difficulties,